The Buddha Center

Since 2008, the Buddha Center has provided education and spiritual support to Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike. The beautiful grounds host regular talks by experienced monks and qualified teachers, meditation sessions, and an environment for personal renewal.

All are welcome regardless of belief or tradition.

Come experience real dharma in virtual space.

Buddha Center Destinations Picture


The Buddha Center's virtual presence is in Naberrie in Second Life.


Talk Archive

Life happens. Schedules conflict. Not all members of the sangha attend the The Buddha Center events regularly due to work, timezones, or other constraints. The talk archive is provided for everyone's convenience.

Go to the talk archive.

Virtual Reality, Not Virtual Fantasy

The Buddha Center is virtual reality, not virtual fantasy.

Second Life is a virtual world. Seen as a virtual fantasy, an avatar can be a human, a furry, an animal, a vampire or a superhero. They can walk around nude or bristling with weapons, modern and ancient. The avatar can engage in adventure, sexual and fantasy role-playing. This is Second Life as a virtual fantasy and many folks enjoy it for that reason.

At the Buddha Center we experience Second Life as a virtual reality. The space is meant to be a virtual representation of the real physical aspects of Buddhism. Stupas, serene Buddhas, the Deer Park honoring the location during the Buddha's time, and a temple designed with everything needed to sit in meditation and to learn about Buddhist philosophy, practice and spirituality. The Buddha Center is a virtual place with a real intent.

The Buddha Center teachers and staff are serious about and committed to offering a way of living that they have experienced as positive and affirming. It is not a game or a fantasy to us — it is a real commitment to offering the dharma.

The founders of Buddha Center move always forward with the vision of a destination in Second Life where people who are curious can learn, where those who can't access a real life sangha can come together with like-minded people, and where Buddhist teachers of all traditions can offer the dharma. It is real Buddhism in a virtual world.

We request that every visitor respect the space and the people by:

Who We Are

Yuri Marcus & Delani Gabardini


As founders of the Buddha Center, Yuri and Delani envision a destination in Second Life where people who are curious can learn, where those who can't access a real life sangha can come together with like-minded people, and where Buddhist teachers of all traditions can offer the dharma. It is real Buddhism in a virtual world.

Venerable Wayne Ren Cheng Shi

Spiritual Director

Venerable Wayne Ren Cheng Shi is an ordained American monk who has been selflessly sharing the dharma in Second Life since 2010. He offers pragmatic contemporary and traditional approaches to the practice of Buddhism with a generous helping of good cheer.


Guest Speaker

Bodhi is a mindfulness instructor with an emphasis on pragmatic science-based practices. He shows how the insights of the Buddha remain relevant today in his Lotus Brain lectures.

Sangha Volunteers

Day-to-day operation of the Buddha Center is performed by volunteers from the sangha.

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